The answer for Math Range - Excercise 1 is

#import and do the excercise
import math
var1 = input('Enter value for which you need to find the logarithm value?')
print('The log value of %s is %s' %(var1, math.log10(int(var1))))
var2 = input('Enter value for which you need to find the exponential value?')

print('The exponential value of %s is %s' %(var2, math.exp(int(var2))))
var3 = input('Enter value for which you need to find the square value?')
print('The squareroot of %s is %s' %(var3,math.sqrt(int(var3))))
var4 = input('Enter value for which you need to find the power value?')
var5 = var4.split('^')
powe = math.pow(int(var5[0]),int(var5[-1]))
print('The power of %s is %s' %(var4,powe))
var6 = float(input('Enter the value for which you want to round'))
var7 = int(input('Enter the decimal upto which you want to roundoff'))
print('The rounded value of %s is %s' %(var6,round(var6,var7)))